Sunday, December 9, 2007

The video making: part 1

In week 6 on Sunday 25 November 2007 we made first effort to shoot the first scene of our video. I'm quite suprised because i don't know there's a changing in plan for hospital scene; before we planned to shoot in Blue Building but now it's moved to Faye house. Our group plus Arya; our classmate (will played as Emily the recipients) catch a bus from Town Hall. After we arrived in Faye place's some of the group take a breakfast and clean the room to make sure it will not disturb the video making. Shortly after each person finish eating, Jin start to make over Arya so her face is similar with really sick person. Faye, Shulina and I prepare the tools and after that check the room that we will use for shooting.

Along the video making we also encounter several problems; first: we a bit confuse with how to take an angle in the room because it's to narrow and the zooming cannot sufficient to make a wide shoot, second: the lightning we borrow from PSU is not working and make our group affraid because we think it's must be our responsibilities. However after do a discusion we can handle all of that.

The shooting is going well and we have a lot of fun together, especially the parts when Emily sister; Emilia that being played by Jin is being shoot, it's really funny but in the same time it's make this parts is the longest time to being taken because we keep laughing seeing Jin expression.

The shoot is finished at 5pm it's fun but also exhausted, we hoping the best result on Toula class when we editing on Toula class the next day.

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