Thursday, August 30, 2007

My bad Podcast

Kinda sad thinking about my last podcast; not only it's got the lowest mark in my class but it also get sharp critique from my teacher. the problem is the quality of sound is very bad and altough we already fix it before in the end it still not enough to get the clear voices, but the thing what make me feel more bad is not because the sound......(speechless)

The real problem in my podcast and i really feel sorry bout that are because me and my friend make fun of all our friend that lend they time and even singing for us. We give the extra sound at the end of our Podcast after each person singing (frog, do barking, etc), at first we think it's okay because we think it's fun and they are our friends, but ..... IT'S A BIG MISTAKE.

I have thinking if we want to be profesional we must treat them as profesional to, at least we must ask for their permision, but we don't. It's like stabbing my heart when our teacher said it's not proper to do that, at that very time i fell very bad, speechless and realize how fool i am.

I just wanna say i'm SORRY to all my friends and i learn one thing to be more mature in doing something. and it will be my precious experience to think before do something.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Last Friday there's an Indo Party at the Docks in Darling Harbour, Yeeha it has been a while since i got a great party.
Okay, here comes the report; the party divided into two kind of mu- sic, first RnB and the other one is techno/electro. The crowd is not divided equally as the Rnb fans dominate the party so i directly go to electro section. Well im always love party so every music it's ok for me as long i can still move.
Hahaha, ok now i tell u all what i'm doin there. I came there at 12, seeing RnB dance floor and table are to full i walk along to electro section directly, after meet with couple of my friend i buy two bottle Smirnoff, there i meet with my Classmate Dama, she already bit drunk i guess as she to active (hahahaha), walkin around a bit more and helping my friend as he already drunk( we already drink at our home so a tiny vodka is enough to punch him). Seeing my friend are dying and i being separated to my other friend so i just buying other drink, well that is a mistake, a big mistake if i can say; okay that last vodka is my limit, i drunk after finish that last bottle. Whew it's hard to report something if u drank at that time, ok basically like this as far i remember i drunk and then meet with my other friend, here the situation gotten worst, he give me another drink (i forgot what kind) so i become more high. To tell the truth if i drunk i become Super Duper Ultra Masively Friendly, so in my mind every person i meet there are my friend. So i ask every person that stand next to me their name and ask them to take a photos w/ me and somewhat i feel like i already know them for 5 yrs.

Do reckon who the girl next to me?

I don't know how long i have been dancing, but my friend say the par- ty finish at 3am, i still unconcsious outside the docks so me and my friends walking around Darling Harbour to get some air and smoking to sober me up, still act friendly i ask everyone i meet there to take a picture with me. I take two more photograph wih nice people (man two more hours in that party i know each person in Sydney).

Okay that's all i guest the report (mostly about me thought) it's nice party, friendly and crazy. maybe if there another party i will report it again.

The End

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Have u ever lost your money, i mean your real money not from your parents but you must work to get it? and in top of that you desperately need that money for pay something. Well I do.

T_T the story is happen this Thursday, when i wake up at 5 pm me and my friend decide to buy a pack of cigarette. Actually it's ended with we buy two pack, when my friend pay his pack, he confuse because he lost his $40. BUMPPPPP, like bad omen i hav ultimate super duper bad feeling about my money at home (i keep it to pay my rent the next day), then we goin back to my place and i rushly check the money, and guest what?............... !@#$%, &^*(^, ^%*&(&* (swear word that come from my mouth that day) i have lost $250 straight away, i'm really pissed off that day because i must add extra money for paying my rent that i taken from my next month money, after that i do previous thing;

1. Swearing to his/her mother.
2. Swearing to his/her father.
3. Swearing to he/she.
4. Keep swearing to his/her and his/ her families.

Right now i'm still pissed if remember my money, because now i must double my saving for this month.

My finally words for thief around the world (especially the one who steal my money); hope u will become more poor than before and get caught soon.......