left side are aesir lead by Odin while right side are Jotnar lead by Loki
Ragnarok interesting because even the mightiest God from Valhalla; Thor are die in battle, the same fate same as their leader Odin, most of strongest God in Valhalla side also died like Tyr, Freyr, etc. Basicaly the armies of Aesir are consist of Einhenjar; the fallen warior spirits that Odin bring to Valhalla to save the world from Ragnarok. Jotnar forces is overwhelmingly stronger than Aesir they hav 2 massive figure in their armies, Fenrir the wolf and Jomungandr the sea serpent plus the fire Giant lead by Sutr and Jotun forces of giants lead by Hrym (they all die after the battle). Odin die in the hand of Fenrir and later Odin son Vidar avenge his father and thor killing each other with Jomungandr.
The battle involves many magical creatures and wepaons, that what makkes this story more interesting Thor with Mjolnir, Odin with Gungnir, Sutr with his blazing flames (i forgot the name) and thousand of mythical being like dragon, serpent and giant wolf.
There is also many sign that appear before the war like the fall of world tree; Ygaradassil , the fall of rainbow bridge, and many more, what else do u expect from the final battle of God to decide the fate of the world.
And finally what do u Expect from the great war? The answer is:
Death casualties !!!!!!
like i mentioned before Odin, Thor, Frey, Tyr and Heimdall are all died while in Jotnar forces all of their important leader also die; Loki, Fenrir, Jomungandr, sutr and Fenrir son Garm also died. Well this must be the great battle is even forces, even power and good guys always win.
If u have a few time and need something to read, just read any article about Ragnarok, it's worth to read and maybe we can start conversation bout this.